

Listar nysläppta kampanjer, sajter och webbtjänster med Sverigekoppling

Sömnlös på Playground (Playground)

Sömnlös på Playground (Playground)

Länk: www.playgroundstores.com

Byrå: Åkestam Holst / From Stockholm With Love

Playground Equipment Stores anordnar tävling som går ut på att 4 säljare försöker vara vaken längst tid. Allt strömmas live via Bambuser. Varför? För att det bästa sättet att hålla sig vaken är tydligen att gå. Den som handlar kläder av den säljare som vinner tävlingen får pengarna tillbaka!

The campaign makes use of the current health trend through focusing on one of the many positive health related effects that walking and outdoor life brings about, namely that it makes you stay alert.

The competition:
Under the URL http://www.playgroundstores.com people can go in and read about the different profiles, which happens to be a crazy clown, a fireman, a TV celebrity and a sporting athletic. Once in the site you can read their motivations on just why they think they can win the competition. So, if you believe that person is going to win, simply buy your equipment from him/her in the store, and if they do win, you get a full money refund!

How it works:
Everything is lived-streamed via the iphone using Bambuser (a very cool live video service). You can contact the participant at anytime via the sms, twitter or just call them to make sure they are still awake. We have also connected a live pulse meter and a pedometer to the site, making sure that users online can follow every step they take.

Så funkar det:
Sömnlös på Playground

Uppslag i DN 2009-06-08:
Sömnlös på Playground (Playground)

Tack till Paul

Filed under: Kampanjer, , ,

2 Responses

  1. Anonym skriver:

    Helt i mitt tycke och smak faktiskt. Lätt att Robinson Angela vinner. Vem röstar Webbsverige på?

  2. Johan skriver:

    Fantastiskt bra!

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